
Talk Together

Do Together

Remind your child what a promise is and talk about the importance of keeping our promises. Look up some of God’s promises in the Bible and share them with your child. God’s Word is full of His promises, and He keeps every one of them. Talk about why God’s promise to Abraham about his many children was a big one. Remind your child nothing is impossible for God. He kept His promises to Abraham, and we can trust He will keep His promises to us too. I know God Keeps His Promises.
Spend time with your child looking at pictures of your family, both extended and immediate. On a clear night, go outside and see how many stars your child can count. Explain that counting
all the stars is impossible for us because there are so many, only God knows the exact number. God promised Abraham his family would be like the stars in the sky—too many to count. God
kept His promises to Abraham and He keeps His promises to us. We can trust God Keeps His Promises.

Sing Together

Pray Together

Sing this song with your child to the tune of “London Bridge.”

God keeps His promises,
God keeps His promises
He’ll do what He says.

Sarah had a baby boy,
Baby boy,
Baby goy.
Sarah had a baby boy
God keeps His promises.
Pray with your child thanking God not only for giving us His promises, but also for keeping each one of them. The following is a rhyme your child uses in class to settle down for prayer time:

Open shut them, open shut them (open and close fingers),
Give a little clap, clap, clap (clap hands).
Open shut them, open shut them (open and close fingers),
Put them in your lap (put your hands together in your lap).
Even at this age, children can participate and learn to be still during a short prayer time.


Application Verse

Proverbs 3:5-6

Family Time

Gather items of different weights (rock, cotton ball, crayon, feather, etc.) and drop them from a chair. Time how long it takes for the item to hit the ground. Talk about gravity—the force that holds everything to the earth. Gravity will pull an item to the ground no matter how light or heavy it is. The heavier the item, the faster it hits the ground. That law is unchangeable. Read Romans 6:23 with your child. The payment for sin is death. But the good news is Jesus paid our penalty for us through His death on the cross. When we choose to follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our wrong choices are forgiven.


Key Truth

Our Choices Reflect Our Priorities (Genesis 13:1–18; 19:15–22)


What differences do you notice between Abram and Lot?

In what ways can we put others’ interests ahead of our own?

What causes some people to make poor choices like Lot, and others to make godly choices like Abram?

Our daily choices will tend to be in line with our priorities. What can we do to develop and maintain the right priorities? (Daily scriptural intake and prayer; applying what we learn from devotional times, sermons, and small group Bible studies; becoming more aware of the needs of others; etc.)