"Discipling means helping others follow Jesus. Discipling is
a relationship in which we seek to do spiritual good for
someone by initiating, teaching, correcting, modeling,
loving, humbling ourselves, counseling, and influencing."

Mark Dever


"Discipling means helping others follow
Jesus. Discipling is a relationship in which
we seek to do spiritual good for someone
by initiating, teaching, correcting, modeling, loving, humbling ourselves, counseling, and influencing."

Mark Dever

LifeGroups at NorthPointe are where you will find community, connection, relationships and discipleship. LifeGroups are multigenerational and meet every Sunday at 9:45 am. While each LifeGroup has a slightly different teaching style, every group covers the same passage of scripture each week. In addition to Sunday mornings, LifeGroups gather on a regular basis outside of church for fellowship, discipleship and outreach where we have the opportunity to serve alongside one another. We encourage those looking for a LifeGroup to try multiple groups to see where you feel you fit best.

Barnes LifeGroup

Boydston LifeGroup


Room G109

Room G107

Room 102

Leaders: Rick and Marilyn Barnes
Leaders: Wayne and Gay Boydston
Leader: Bruce and Krista Crenshaw


Room 104

Leader: Shirley Dalby

LifeGroup for Young Adults

Back Foyer

Leaders: Travis and Shari Dickinson


Room 105

Leaders: Andy and Lauren Jennings


Worship Center

Leaders: Paul and Debbie Keeton


Room G108

Leaders: Rex and Jeanene Russell


Room 101

Leaders: Zac and Laura Saathoff



Leaders: Drew and Kate Smith

Snow and Horton

Room 103

Leaders: Richard and Brenda Snow
Terry Horton



Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry at NorthPointe exists, first and foremost, to disciple women. Through  studying God's word, playing games, sharing a meal or simply fellowshipping together with one another, we grow closer to Christ and closer to each other.

Women face unique challenges and pressures as they live out God's design for them as women. The relationships they build with other women provide support, encouragement and accountability as they live out our faith in their God-given role.

Women's activities can include weekly Bible studies, game nights, craft events or meals and always includes lots of fun!

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry at NorthPointe exists, first and foremost, to disciple men. Through studying God's word, Men's Breakfast, watching football or just hanging out with other men, we grow closer to Christ and closer together.

Men face unique challenges and pressures as they live out God's design for them as men. The relationship they build with other men provide, support, encouragement and accountability as they live out their faith as men.

Men's activities typically include a bi-weekly Bible study, fellowship and lots of food!

Upcoming Women's Events

Upcoming Men's Events