"And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle,
encourage the fainthearted, help the weak,
be patient with them all."

1 Thessalonians 5:14

The Christian life is not always easy. Sometimes it is tough to know what God requires of us in a particular situation. Sometimes we enter seasons of discouragement and uncertainty. Other times we find ourselves battling sin and struggling to gain victory. In moments like these, we need other brothers and sisters in the faith to walk alongside us and help us to understand and apply the truths of God’s word to our lives. NorthPointe Soul Care exists to provide this kind of biblical based counseling for fellow believers in our journey to mature together. Our team will partner with you to better understand the truths of God’s word and how they apply to your specific situation. If you would like to contact our team and setup an initial meeting with one of our elders, please click the button below.