Talk Together
Do Together
Talk about how Jesus told Philip to follow Him. Philip found Nathanael and told him all about
Jesus, the One whom the prophets (God’s messengers) had written. Philip and Nathanael
followed Jesus and became His disciples. They spent time with Jesus and learned from Him. Talk about why it’s important to spend time learning from Jesus. Ask your child what are some things he or she has learned from Jesus. Jesus wants us to follow Him and be His disciple. It doesn’t matter how young or old a person is, he or she can always choose to follow Jesus and learn from Him. Encourage your child to tell what he or she has learned about Jesus and share Him with others.
Jesus, the One whom the prophets (God’s messengers) had written. Philip and Nathanael
followed Jesus and became His disciples. They spent time with Jesus and learned from Him. Talk about why it’s important to spend time learning from Jesus. Ask your child what are some things he or she has learned from Jesus. Jesus wants us to follow Him and be His disciple. It doesn’t matter how young or old a person is, he or she can always choose to follow Jesus and learn from Him. Encourage your child to tell what he or she has learned about Jesus and share Him with others.
Play a game of “Copy Cat.” In this game, two people are paired together. One person will
make a face or do an action and the other person must copy him or her. After a bit, reverse roles and repeat the activity. Remind family members that Jesus is our ultimate leader, and He is the One whose example we should follow. When you see your child making choices that follow God’s Word this week, be sure to praise him or her. If your child is having a hard time making choices that Jesus would, pray with your child and ask Jesus to help him or her.
make a face or do an action and the other person must copy him or her. After a bit, reverse roles and repeat the activity. Remind family members that Jesus is our ultimate leader, and He is the One whose example we should follow. When you see your child making choices that follow God’s Word this week, be sure to praise him or her. If your child is having a hard time making choices that Jesus would, pray with your child and ask Jesus to help him or her.
Sing Together
Pray Together
Sing this song with your child to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”
Jesus wants me to
Follow Him,
Follow Him,
Follow Him.
Jesus wants me to
Follow Him
Each and every day.
Jesus wants me to
Follow Him,
Follow Him,
Follow Him.
Jesus wants me to
Follow Him
Each and every day.
Pray with your child thanking Jesus for the example of His disciples who followed Him. Ask
Jesus to help you follow Him and learn from Him like they did. The following is a rhyme your child uses in class to settle down for prayer time:
Open shut them, open shut them (open and close fingers),
Give a little clap, clap, clap (clap hands).
Open shut them, open shut them (open and close fingers),
Put them in your lap (put your hands together in your lap).
Even at this age, children can participate and learn to be still during a short prayer time.
Jesus to help you follow Him and learn from Him like they did. The following is a rhyme your child uses in class to settle down for prayer time:
Open shut them, open shut them (open and close fingers),
Give a little clap, clap, clap (clap hands).
Open shut them, open shut them (open and close fingers),
Put them in your lap (put your hands together in your lap).
Even at this age, children can participate and learn to be still during a short prayer time.
Application Verse
Matthew 4:19
Thought for the Week
My relationship with Jesus is mine alone. I have to want to make sure it stays healthy and continues to grow.
Family Time
Gather some foods and drinks that look alike but are different. Suggestions include a peach and a nectarine (peel them both), parsley and cilantro, peeled and cut sweet potatoes and yams, peeled plantains and bananas, two dark colored sodas, and soda water and club soda. Make sure you know which is which and have a taste test with your family. Let everyone guess which is which and then take a bite of each item. Talk about the similarities and differences of the two items. Remind your child that some people might look like they are Christians or even say they are, but God knows the truth.
Romans 7
Why is prayer for our own hearts so important given Paul’s explanations in Chapter 7? What are we looking to achieve in our lives through prayer?